Reseller Products

Connectivity Products

Step 1

To create a product, visit the Subscriptions > All Products page and click the Add Product button in the top right corner of the page. The first step is to select a product base, which should match the parameters of the new product you are creating. For example, you can only create a new Multi-Network product with an existing Multi-Network bundle as your base. 

The product name, currency, renewing cycle and contract length are customizable per your agreements with your customer. Remember, the currency of the bundle must match the currency of the customer you transfer it to.

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Step 2

Next, you can determine the type of product and the amount of data to include in the product. Many Resellers like to add margin to new products as child accounts cannot see the base product values.

  • Aggregate Bundle: An Aggregated Bundle is a dynamic pool. As the number of SIMs added to the pool increases, the size of the pool increases as well. For example, 2 SIMs activated on a 10MB bundle creates a pool of 20MB to use between the two SIMs. Each SIM is free to use the data as it pleases. You will only incur overuse charges once the total pooled data amount has been reached.  MB included,

Bundle Price, and Price per overuse (in MB) can be customized and does not need to match the base product values.

  • Per MB: Per MB products are charged by the MB used for an individual SIM. For example, if your price per MB is $1, and a SIM uses 5MB, you will be charged $5.

A Line Rental is the fixed charge of an active SIM in addition to the MBs consumed. This is an optional cost that can be customized. In this product type, you also have the option to customize price per MB by zone. If you want all MB to be charged equally, input the cost in the textbox. If not, you can customize the price per zone available in Step 4.

  • Single Bundle: The Single Bundle is applied on a SIM-by-SIM basis. Usage and costs are not aggregated, so individual SIMs will incur overuse charges if it uses all data in its bundle.

MB included, Bundle Price, and Price per overuse (in MB) can be customized and does not need to match the base product values. Many Resellers like to add margin here as child accounts cannot see the base product values.

  • Data Pool: In a Data Pool, the cost and pool size are static no matter how many SIMs are activated on the bundle. For example, if you activate two SIMs on a 10MB data pool, the SIMs can only use up to 10MB between the two SIMs before it incurs additional charges. You incur overuse charges when the pool is completely depleted by the active SIMs on the bundle.

A Line Rental is the fixed charge of an active SIM in addition to the MBs consumed. This is an optional cost that can be customized. In this product type, you can also customize the Price of the pool, Size of the pool in MB, and Price of MB when the pool is finished. 

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Step 3

SMS Mobile Oriented (Outbound) settings can be enabled on your SIM. IF SMS MO (Outbound) is available on your base product, it will also be available for your new product. If you would like to include the SMS bundle cost in the cost of the bundle, click the “Include in data bundle” option. In this case, there will be no additional cost applied to enable SMS unless you set an over cost (per SMS). Remember, SMS MT (Inbound) is free when sent from our platform. 

You can apply the same logic to the Voice MO (Outbound) options. However, costs are determined per minute rather than per SMS. 

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Step 4

If Zone 1 is selected, SIMs on the product will only be able to connect on networks listed in Zone 1. All products have Zone 1 enabled by default. If you select a higher zone, the product will have access to that zone and lower zones. For example, if you select Zone 3, your product can access zones 1-3. 

You can only select from zones available in your base product. For example, if your base product only has Zone 2 enabled, you cannot select zone 3-9 on your new product – only Zones 1-2.

When you are finished, be sure to carefully review your product. If you find there is an error, you can click the Back button until you reach the step you need to edit. Remember, you cannot make edits independently. If you find an error in a live product, please reach out to our support team to make edits. 

When you are ready, you can click ‘Create product’ to save your product to your All Products page. If you are ready to transfer it to a child account, click ‘Create and transfer’, select the relevant account and click ‘Share Product’ to transfer your product. 

You can check if the product has been successfully transferred by checking the ‘Used By’ column in the All Products tab. 

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Step 5

After you have created a product, you can transfer it to one or multiple Child account for their use. To do this, select the product you would like to transfer by clicking the checkbox in the leftmost corner, then click the Transfer Product button in the top bar of the chart. Next, select the Child account you would like to transfer the products to. Remember, the currency type and network type should match the Child account you are transferring the product to. Next, type “AVAILABLE” and click Transfer Products.

To check that the product was successfully transferred, you will see the account(s) you transferred it to under the “Used By” column of your All Products or All Subscribers charts. You can also see it in Account information under the Customers > All Accounts > Account Settings > Products tab.

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Transfer Product (Existing Products)

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Delete Product

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Rate per Network

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