Security Services & IP Allocation

Security Settings

The Security Settings section will only be available for clients who have a Destined IP Range or a VPN set up.

The Security Settings are located under your “Account Settings” as a new tab.

The Security Settings displays a table where you can see the following information:

• Pool ID: Unique identifier for your security service

• Name: Name of your Security Service

• Type: Destined IP Range/ Client Access VPN/ IPSEC VPN

• Network Type: Network carriers included

• IP Ranges: IP ranges reserved for the SIMs inside this service

You will also be able to view how many sims are included inside an IP Range and how many IPs are free to be allocated in the “I” icon next to the IP ranges.

If you have a Security Service such as a VPN configured in your account, under the “Subscribers section”  you have an option in the “Advanced Filters” to select to display the sims that are inside a VPN. If you have multiple VPNS you can choose from the dropdown options.

The icon to “customize your columns” offers a column called “Security Services”, choose to display this one so that you can see the name of the Security service the SIM is part of. You can also display the “Fixed IP” and the “Last IP” used.

Under the “All Subscribers” section customize your columns to display both the “Security Service” and “Fixed IP” columns. The IP assigned to the Subscriber as well as the name of the Security Service it is part of will display.

When running a Sim Diagnostics, the information will also be available.

If you have a Security Service such as a VPN configured in your account you have the option to allocate/ deallocate Fixed IPs from the dedicated IP Range pool in your VPN.

Select the subscriber you would like to update the IP for, then hit the “Reassign a New IP” button.

You can perform the following actions:

  • If your sim has a Dynamic IP → Assign a Fixed IP from your VPN

  • If your sim has a Fixed IP from your VPN but you want to remove it from your VPN → Assign a Dynamic IP

  • If your sim has a Fixed IP from your VPN but you want to assign a different IP → You can assign a new IP from within the dedicated IP Range pool in your VPN. The system will choose a new IP for you

Please note the changes will be reflected upon a new data session, if the sim is running a live session at the moment if it will continue having the last IP until the session has ended.

Assign a Fixed IP upon SIM Activation

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Update/Reassign the IP assigned to a SIM

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